Creative Wellbeing Classes and Workshops

Creative Wellbeing Classes and Workshops


Benefits of participating in Creative
Wellbeing Classes and Art Therapy

There are many benefits to participating in Creative Wellbeing Classes and Art Therapy Workshops. You can develop a supportive community. Experience a safe environment to discover your authentic self. Learn to quiet your inner critic. Feel free to express yourself fully in a healthy way. Allow yourself to play with art materials.

No experience or artistic talent is required.


Intuitive Painting Workshop In-Person

Coming soon in York, PA


Get to know yourself!

Experience Your Authenticity in a Supportive Community

Whatever is Bothering you, or whatever you are celebrating - Paint it out! – Trust the Brush

We create a non-judgmental, supportive environment for participants to follow their intuition wherever it leads them. We focus on the act of painting itself and your physical, mental and emotional experience while painting rather than the final art product. In the studio there are no judgments made, no expectations, no analysis of your paintings, no model to follow and no critique. It’s a quiet practice, with a meditative quality so we can turn inward and maybe for the first time in a long time begin to understand what we are feeling internally.  We encourage your thinking brain to get out of the way so the brush can do the talking. We know that each brushstroke and each form created is guiding you to exactly where you need to be in order to find your voice and feel more whole, letting your heart and intuition lead the way. No previous experience or art skills required.


Kintsugi: A Broken Pottery Workshop

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. The philosophy is that things are more beautiful and interesting because they have a history and some so called “imperfections.” Just like the pottery, human beings have unique and sometimes painful histories, and might consider themselves broken in places. This process helps us explore and appreciate our worthiness, even if we do have some cracks.


Coming soon…

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